
I had the privilege of being Cornelia’s first client to receive a massage that began with an Akashic Records Reading! I believe this modality allowed her to tap into a higher dimension of consciousness to bring healing and balance to my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.  

Before she began the massage, she opened my Akashic Records (with my permission), and communicated to me what she received from my Akashic Record Keepers. It was reassuring and resonant, giving me encouragement in my own work as a Consciousness Healer. 

Then, as she shifted into the massage, I felt that she was transmitting those higher dimensional energies directly to me through her touch, being guided by her connection to this wise, loving higher consciousness—and by the intelligence of my body—to work on the areas most in need of healing and harmony. While she was working, I got the sense that she was smoothing out tensions between the left and right sides of my body, as well as improving the integration of my physical, mental and emotional bodies.

Afterwards, I confirmed with Cornelia that she had indeed felt connected to a higher consciousness field and was able to draw energy from that Source effortlessly to give me a truly holistic healing experience.

— Sylvia Chappell, Akashic Records Guide

Being  a massage therapist for the last 30 years, I have had many massages with different therapists, and I am extremely fussy about who I go back to. Cornelia Logan has been one of my all-time favorites.”

When she moved 40 minutes away, I was heartbroken as it made it more difficult to trade. However, she now has a beautiful office in Kingston which makes getting to her easy again!!!
I’m thrilled. 

Her work has developed into a true healing experience. In a 90 minute session I got an amazing Akashic record reading, a tuning fork and singing bowl sound bath and her new pressure point massage. My personal questions were answered in a profound way and I was opened up to a flow running through my entire body. I was so relaxed and happy as I got into my car. That night I slept better than I normally do. I can’t say enough about Cornelia’s healing abilities. Can’t wait for another session.

— Claudia Hirsch, LMT